Our Samaritan Partner Organizations support our daily programming year-round and can enter into partnership on a rolling basis. Look below and download our flyer for more information - thank you for helping us serve those in need 365 days a year.

Good Samaritan Partners funds are typically discretionary in nature & 100% go to program support - mainly our Noon Meal and Mercy Gardens. Contact us to discuss allocated funds.

Partners are thanked with PR, event perks, and gifts, but these are allocated via a fundraising allotment, not dependent or supported by Samaritan Partner monies. The exception to this are certain items under “Event-Specific” - contact us for details.

All perks and promotional offers can be denied or donated back by a Samaritan Partner if they wish to be 100% removed from any goods. services, or event-specific participation.


Please contact director@goodsaminn.org or 217-429-1455 for more information