Thank you for supporting The Good Samaritan Inn. We have several ways to donate:
Use the platform or link below to donate online
Send checks or drop off a donation to 920 N Union St. Decatur, IL 62522. Best times to come in person are Monday-Friday 8AM-11AM or 1pm-2:00PM. Call 217-429-1455 or email director@goodsaminn.org to make arrangements outside of these hours and we are happy to accommodate.
Email director@goodsaminn.org to with questions or about major gifts
Click here if you’re interested in becoming a Samaritan Partner at the corporate level
See our list and flyer below if you would like to make an in-kind donation or organize a drive
Donate Online
Thank you for your donation! If the donation platform is hidden, please refresh your page or click here - thank you for your patience!
In-Kind Donations & Major Gifts
If you wish to donate in-kind or organize a drive, we have provided this list to give you an idea of our current needs. We have also indicated a few of our larger needs if you are interested in a major gift. We also have our 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS drive going on - see the info below and contact us to participate. Please be patient as we may not update this list as fast as supporters meet the needs of certain items!
Send checks or drop off a donation to 920 N Union St. Decatur, IL 62522 or use the links above to donate online.
Best times to come in person are Monday-Friday 8AM-11AM or 1pm-2:30PM. Call 217-429-1455 or email director@goodsaminn.org to make arrangements outside of these hours and we are happy to accommodate.
Questions? Call 217-429-1455 or email director@goodsaminn.org
Thank you for supporting The Good Samaritan Inn!