Who we are?

Our Mission

We create social and economic opportunity through nourishment, gardening, and education

Our Vision

All community members have sustainable autonomy and lead a joyful life

Our Values

Autonomy • Community • Compassion • Dignity • Equity • Service


Key moments in history


Founded by members of First United Methodist, Grace United Methodist, First Presbyterian, and Westminster Presbyterian Churches.

Serves its first meal, feeding 11 people, in the Salvation Army basement.

Moves into 151 N Water St.


Relocates to 543 N. Water St.

"Thanksgiving Joy: Jackie McFadden of Warrensburg, far right, and Janet Enloe of Decatur share a laugh as they serve Thanksgiving dinner along with other volunteers Thursday afternoon at the Good Samaritan Inn of Decatur."

Herald & Review / Stephen Warmowski

"Helping Hands: Eleven-year-old Ayo Odunsi, a sixth-grade student at Johns Hill, ladles leftover stew into containers Thursday at Good Samaritan Inn. Since before Christmas, students have volunteered time at the community soup kitchen."

Herald & Review / Dennis Magee


Expands from 5 to 7 weekly meals


Moves to 920 N Union St.

"Good Samaritan Director Brenda Gorrell Pyatt prays over the lunch to be served with a host of volunteers from Star-Tek and the Millikin University football team."

Herald & Review photos /Kelly J. Huff


Launches Mercy Gardens

"Members of the Youth Leadership Institute pull chicken during a visit to the Good Samaritan Inn. The students are, from left, Central A&M High School students Olivia Jordan, Lucas Lower, Abby Forlines andSt. Teresa High School student Nate


Herald & Review Jim Bowling

"Mercy Gardens apprentice Milton Barbee works in Mary's Garden."

Herald & Review Jim Bowling