Anyone Who Is Hungry, 

Is Welcome At Our Table

With 1 in 8 residents in Macon County facing food insecurity, there needs to be a table to feed our neighbors.

With the support of a team of amazing volunteers, we are proud to provide a healthy meal 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We nourish, educate and revitalize the people in our community.

What impact did we make in 2024?

Our Programs

A safe place for every neighbor to enjoy a nutritious meal—no cost, no questions asked.

With the help of 1000+ volunteers, we serve 150-250 meals daily, 365 days a year.

Growing fresh, nutrient-dense produce to nourish our neighbors and revitalize our community.

We cultivate 1.25 acres of land, providing food for our Noon Meal and local food pantries.

Shop with purpose. 100% of proceeds support our Noon Meal and Mercy Gardens.

Every purchase helps feed neighbors, grow fresh food, and supportlocal farmers.

Growing Better Together

We Grow Fresh, Local Produce Through our Mercy Gardens

We are Innovating and partnering to Meet Community Needs.

Since 1982 The Good Samaritan Inn has served the community through leadership of a diverse staff supported by volunteers, the Decatur faith community, the Old King’s Orchard Neighborhood and the many good samaritans in our community.

In recent years, we have developed gardens to revitalize our neighborhoods, expand access to fresh, nutrient-dense produce, and increased our community partnerships to further impact Decatur and Macon County.

Volunteers are the Heart of our Mission

Volunteers support us 365 days a year!

We are so blessed by our volunteers each and every day. Some come regularly and others as-needed or as they are available.

Some volunteer with friends, their church, a workplace, or an organization and others come as individuals. We encourage volunteers of every age and background and value diversity and community.

Contact us today to get on our schedule.

Our Mission

We create social and economic opportunities through nourishment, gardening, and education.

Our Vision

All community members have sustainable autonomy and lead joyful lives.

Become a Samaritan Partner

Local businesses can share time, talent, and treasures

We so grateful to our local business partners who support our programming day in and day out.

If you want to get involved with your workplace, contact us today.

 Thank you 2023 samaritan partners

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